It’s Cycle September
Posted on in Business News, Cycles News, Outdoor News
There’s still time for bike shops to urge their customers to get involved with Cycle September, the world’s biggest group ride.
The challenge this year is to log a bike ride every week of the month from 1 September. Successful riders will then be entered into a prize draw and could win £4,000 towards a dream holiday, a Raleigh E-Bike worth £2,499 and much more.
It’s also a great opportunity to convey the benefits of cycling for your health, even a 10-minute bike ride can boost your immune system and cardiovascular health. It also promotes the release of endorphins and can reduce feelings of low mood and stress. The local environment can benefit too, with less cars on the road and more bikes, less CO2 is entering the atmosphere and car idling will reduce due to less traffic.
Love to Ride has helped over 625,000 people worldwide get into cycling. Love to Ride has lots of resources to help people cycle with confidence from top tips to quick courses.
Find out more here:
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